Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Self Pity

 Is our identity wrapped up in our struggle?  Do we have more hope in a program, a degree, a bank account, a career more than Jesus. When life doesn’t go our way, how do we respond?

Michael Sprague:


I have a go-to passage for a long time now when I’m tempted to have a personal pity party. It is Hebrews 11:36-38. 

These 3 verses are written at the end of the Hebrews 11 Hall of Fame of the Faith chapter. Remember all the incredible accounts of lions mouths closed, winning mighty battles, crossing the Red Sea on dry ground, surviving fiery furnaces, miracle after miracle. 

But in 36-38 we read about a second group of devoted followers who were maimed, torchered, flogged, stoned, sawed in two and lived in deserts, caves and holes in the ground. When I read those verses it is like the Holy Spirit whispers to me, “ Michael you haven’t shed any blood yet. Get back in the game and change your attitude.”

The Good News of the Gospel is not if you follow God all will go well for you. The Good News is you get God no matter the circumstances. The question is does God owe me or own me? The will of God never makes sense unless you factor in eternity.

I ponder sometimes the disciples final earthly plight. Peter was crucified upside down and Andrew and Phillip were crucified as well. Bartholomew was skinned alive and beheaded. Matthew was killed by an ax and Thomas with a spear. James was stoned and Simon sawed in two. James and Thaddeus were clubbed to death. Stephen was stoned and Mark dragged to death. Luke was hanged from a tree and John was boiled in oil. Jude was shot with arrows and Phillip hanged.

I don’t think I’ll have a pity party today. Let’s run with endurance the race set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus.

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