Monday, April 1, 2024

Bible 93

 We live in a great country but we need to carefully filter out the temptation to live for selfish gain. Developing a life rhythm of love for God and all that He has provided leads to gratitude and joy. I’m guilty of thinking I’ve been victimized by unfairness, which leads to anger and resentment. But I’m always learning through new issues to look to Gld for my strength, not myself or to the competing issues of the day. May Nicky’s prayer be our prayer:

Lord, help us in the Spirit to be ruthless with sin so that we do not allow anything to become ‘barbs in \\[our\\] eyes and thorns in \\[our\\] sides’ (Numbers 33:55). Help me to aim high, to receive my inheritance and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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Psalm 7 -10

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