Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter 5

 How could a person neglect the salvation God provides?  I’m guilty of my own sin and darkness but God has provided the way to avoid eternal punishment for my rebellion. He hasn’t given multiple methods to avoid a penalty, only one. I’m guilty of minimizing this great act of love by our Creator God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life , and there is no other way. May Jesus be honored by the way we live our lives. 

“Saving faith involves the mind, the emotions, and the will. With the mind we understand the truth of the gospel, and with the heart we feel conviction and the need to be saved. But it is only when we exercise the will and commit ourselves to Christ that the process is complete. Faith is not mental assent to a body of doctrines, no matter how true those doctrines may be. Faith is not emotional concern. Faith is commitment to Jesus Christ.” - Warren W. Wiersbe

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Bible 187

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