Thursday, April 25, 2024

Inside Out 8

 I used to think God was distant and frowning at me. There was no way I could feel close to Him and I could never measure up to His expectations or the expectations of others. I’m not sure how I acquired that terrible theology, but after reading the number of times in Scripture the word ‘seek’ or ‘search’, it’s apparent that He is searching for hearts that seek Him. May you and I continuously be expectant for His presence in us and around us, all the time, in everything we do.

1 Chronicles 16:10, “Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!” 

Psalm 69:32: “When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive.” 

Oh, Father, “You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord do I seek” (Psalm 27:8). We come expectant to seek You and all of who You are.  We worship You for who You are, holy and pure, full of love and grace. May we meditate on Your attributes in such a way that we experience Your intimate presence. Forgive us for minimizing Your presence in us and around us. May we rejoice in who You are. May we find rest in You no matter what is happening in the moment.  May You revive us with Your strength so that we can pursue others. We need You and desire healthy intimacy in the friendships around us. Empower us to have open eyes and ears with expectant hearts to participate in Your kingdom.  Helps us to practice Your presence in the ordinary moments ghat we may develop a rhythm of talking to You all the time.  Amen.

How many believers really live a lifestyle that results from believing that God has graced them to be not just recipients of the work of his kingdom but instruments of the work of the kingdom as well? When you believe this, you live with a constant ministry mentality that results in an everyday ministry lifestyle.” - Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

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