Friday, April 19, 2024

John 19

 It is truly amazing, overwhelming and humbling that our Creator would become one of us, take on our depravity and sin and be our sacrifice. He chose to humble Himself, surrendering to the most deprived cruelty, suffering pain for us. At the same time, He gives us the choice to surrender to His authority, redeeming and restoring what we could never do on our own or through any other means. How can we neglect this choice  

Only awe of him can define in you and me a true sense of what we actually need. So many of our prayers are self-centered grocery lists of personal cravings that have no bigger agenda than to make our lives a little more comfortable. They tend to treat God more as our personal shopper than a holy and wise Father-King. Such prayers forget God’s glory and long for a greater experience of the glories of the created world. They lack fear, reverence, wonder, and worship. They’re more like pulling up the divine shopping site than bowing our knees in adoration and worship. They are motivated more by awe of ourselves and our pleasures than by a heart-rattling, satisfaction-producing awe of the Redeemer to whom we are praying.” - Paul David Tripp, Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do

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