Friday, May 24, 2024

Inside Out 38

 Our yearning to be fully known and understood is a God implanted nature. No one can know us like our Father, and our true safe home is where we will experience true rest, safety and community. We have a glimpse of Heaven through our marriage, seeing our kids mature, genuine like minded friendships that inspire us, and contentment from His presence in us. How much joy will we have when we reach the fullness of His Kingdom and righteousness? How much joy will we have when you and I fall on our knees in complete worship?  His Spirit is a seal of our salvation. His presence is a deposit to what is to arrive in full. We see in part now but He will fully open our eyes to the beauty of what He has planned all along. 

“The soul was not made to run on empty. But the soul doesn’t come with a gauge. The indicators of soul-fatigue are more subtle: • Things seem to bother you more than they should. Your spouse’s gum-chewing suddenly reveals to you a massive character flaw. • It’s hard to make up your mind about even a simple decision. • Impulses to eat or drink or spend or crave are harder to resist than they otherwise would be. • You are more likely to favor short-term gains in ways that leave you with high long-term costs. Israel ended up worshiping a golden calf simply because they grew tired of having to wait on Moses and God. • Your judgment is suffering. • You have less courage. “Fatigue makes cowards of us all” is a quote so ubiquitious that it has been attributed to General Patton and Vince Lombardi and Shakespeare. The same disciples who fled in fear when Jesus was crucified eventually sacrificed their lives for him. What changed was not their bodies, but their souls.” - John Ortberg, Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You

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Bible 187

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