Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Amyloidosis is a rare disease where an abnormal protein called amyloid accumulates in organs. The symptoms and severity depend on which organs are affected. Here are some key points:

  1. Symptoms: These vary based on the affected organs but may include:

    • Swollen ankles and legs
    • Severe fatigue
    • Shortness of breath
    • Weight loss
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Tingling or pain in hands, feet, or wrists
    • Enlarged tongue
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)
    • Easy bruising or skin patches1234
  2. Types of Amyloidosis:

    • AL Amyloidosis: Abnormal antibodies from bone marrow deposit in organs.
    • AA Amyloidosis: Linked to chronic inflammatory or infectious diseases.
    • Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis: Affects long-term dialysis patients.
    • Hereditary (Familial) Amyloidosis: Rare and runs in families.
  3. Diagnosis:

    • Blood and urine tests
    • Echocardiogram
    • CT scan or MRI
    • Biopsy of affected tissue
  4. Treatment Options:

    • Chemotherapy with stem cell transplant
    • Liver or kidney transplantation (depending on type)
    • Treating underlying causes for AA Amyloidosis

Remember, early diagnosis is crucial for managing organ damage. If you suspect amyloidosis, seek medical attention promptly! 🌟

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