Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bible 179

 I have a difficult time praying for a health miracle to happen in a person’s life, even though I know God is the Creator, often defying the rules He has established in chemistry and physics. Perhaps my faith is weak but I’m open to His working, should He choose to do what doctors cannot so. I tend to think more of these miracles happen in unchurched areas of the world, drawing people to Christ when they would not have been interested. The same God who did miracles in the Old and New Testament times is the same God today. 

Elijah experienced a dramatic miracle in front of the idol worshipping priests. God detested such rebellion that He wanted to show the nation He meant business. We often get to witness the miracle of changes lives after the person has responded to the invitation to follow Christ. The change may be over night or over a period of time. Regardless, changed lives make a difference. 

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