Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bible 164

 I’ve never liked much change in my life and have lives conservatively, not taking a lot of risk. This may be true with my faith as well, afraid to rock my comfortable boat. Loving conservatively, I’m wondering if I’ve tried to protect myself from risking things by hiding behind my walls of safety. I know there is great wisdom in balancing risk and safety. But concerning faith, I want to be more open and vulnerable witb our Triune God, allowing Him to lead rather than me hiding in safety, afraid of what a faith called life would mean. Saul (later Paul) thought he has everything figured out until his conversion experience. He was eager to at the record straight by persecuting the early church. But through his own suffering, he learned a deep faith and a source of purpose that he never expected. David experienced suffering and ridicule but he did not give up on his loyalty to God. 

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