Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Psalm 23-3

 We need still waters in our chaotic noisy world. The peaceful view of a calm lake or stream is a calming process to anxiety. Jesus knew exactly what we needed by portraying Himself as the Gold Shepherd, leading us to calm waters. The author of Psalm 23 knew exactly what it meant to be beside the calming influence of a peaceful body of water. Being outdoors, in the quiet of nature, is a theater for His presence, empowering us to be in gratitude to His order of creation and and peace in us.  

No matter what storms I face, His very life and strength and vitality is poured into mine. It overflows so the cup of my life runs over with His life…often with great blessing and benefit to others who see me stand up so well in the midst of trials and suffering.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

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