Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Paalm 23-4

 We never know when the next storm will blow in. Some storms last a while, requiring us to double down in safety, doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those we love. Jesus knew all about storms. The Creator Himself was in the boat when the storm came. Even the experiences fishermen were scared with the strong winds, but the Creator was asleep. When He got up, He calmed the winds. 

When we face chalks and turmoil, He is the calm presence in our lives, enabling us to cling close to Him. He will NEVER leave us. 

No matter what storms I face, His very life and strength and vitality is poured into mine. It overflows so the cup of my life runs over with His life…often with great blessing and benefit to others who see me stand up so well in the midst of trials and suffering.” - W. Phillip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

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