Saturday, June 22, 2024

Psalm 23-6

 Our culture is built upon the idea to pursue your own happiness, to be your own person. It’s a great place to live and develop our dreams because God has given us a free will to choose and make decisions. But the Scriptures document God’s call to live on purpose for a depth of meanjng beyond our own happiness. I’m guilty of being driven to improve my resume and to look good as a Christian. That attitude is not walking with our Shepherd for His name to be known. I’m learning that living for Hos name to be known is practicing His presence, conversing with Him, asking for His wisdom, not promoting myself. In the process, He shows me and teaches me who He is. 

(Page 59 The Practice of the Presence of Jesus, by Joni Earekson Tada)

“Although God remains preeminent in my thoughts and hopefully my in my motives, I do not view my life in Christ and others as a hierarchy like God first, family second,’friends third, co-workers fourth, and finally, me, last. My love for Christ is more homogenous than that. More fluid, like coffee. When you make a daily habit of practicing the presence of Jesus, your Christ infused influence will undoubtedly spill over into the lives of others, for He said, “Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said:  Streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38). Keep yourself close to Jesus, and His life-giving stream will fill your heart, effervesce up into an ecstatic fountain of praise to the Father, and flow out as a steady river of encouragement to everyone around you, bringing refreshment and renewal.”

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