Monday, June 17, 2024

Spiritual Formation

 Defining spiritual formation:

Spiritual formation is transformation, not conformity to the world (to systems, programs, or our usual efforts for self improvement). Spiritual formation is our personal surrender to God’s word, to the leading of the Spirit, practicing His presence through a disciplined and reflective life. Thoughtful reflection is moving away from our impulse to have life our way. It’s moving away from our desire for self importance, recognition, possessions, and power. 

The transformation that happens in us must happen in a personal intimate way that cannot be compared to anyone else, yet it is encouraged and nurtured with others. Spiritual formation is a mystery of our efforts and His work in us, stirring our hearts to love Jesus more and more. 

What is happening in Kearney regarding spiritual formation?  I’m not sure other than the traditional Bible study groups, conferences and intentional efforts to put faith into action through good works.  In addition, one on one discipleship efforts, support of missions efforts to the unreached people groups of the world.  

What are the learned practices to foster spiritual formation and vulnerability among men?  Group discussions following Bible study groups, one in one discipleship efforts, journaling and reflection in these one to one efforts, building relationships between young and older men.

But how do we create spiritual formation in ourselves or others?  It results from asking God to show us how He wants us to be involved in His kingdom. The more we become acquainted with Christ we know Him and trust Him. As a fault a fire is ignited in us to follow Him and surrender ourselves to Him. In the process we form a vision of how we can participate in His kingdom. We become intentional in discipleship, disciplining ourselves with reflection. In the process, God reveals the means we can participate in the kingdom. 

What is preventing our participation in His kingdom movement, in the practice of spiritual formation?  Perhaps the roadblocks are unique to the individual. Perhaps the hurdles involve our obsession with comparison to others, grasping possession and power, or pursuing a good resume, power, or prestige  all the while we are driven to build our own kingdom, missing the call to participate in His kingdom   

The miracle of transformation involves a change in the way we think about ourselves and others. The sins of comparison to others and the world’s standards are no longer obsessive compulsions. Our identity focuses on Jesus, not what we don’t have, what we think we are entitled to, or how we have been taken advantage of. We are compelled to be honest and vulnerable with our Triune God. Instead of grumbling and complaining, we become curious to what God will show us next. Real change is not a one decision and done deal. It is a repetitive process of choosing to live rightly, repeating a rhythm of practices that may seem boring and out of touch with a trending culture. Real change happens individually but in a communal vow with others, to live for the honor of our Triune God. Transformation in us is formed by an eternal perspective, a vision that our efforts today have a ripple effect into tomorrow and for all eternity.  

How can spiritual formation be attractive?  To me, it’s a combination of asking God to show me who He wants to be in my life.  Who has God already out in my life that I can nurture transformation.  It is repeating to myself that I need to seek His kingdom in the here and now.  Where is God moving and working? How can I participate? He does the extraordinary through ordinary people and ordinary circumstances.  It seems to be that I need to create a vision of participation, then be intentional about it.  It’s creating a curiosity to His work, fed by podcasts, discussions, books, stories and listening to others.  

Our curiosity to His leading brings a calm assurance that He will NEVER leave us, but will always be present, regardless of the circumstances. In addition, He will lead in our hearts and through His word to reach out to others, and to rosins to the Spirit’s peompting and nudging.  This curious way of living is asking each day, “What will God do next or what will He teach me today?”  Our formation of the Spirit’s leading is a private moving, yet it is openly demonstrated in a public way. Our transformation involves deeper relationships with others, led by the Spirit, to mentor, disciple and be discipled. If we are not actively sharpening the minds and hearts of those He beings into our lives, our growth is limited. 

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