Monday, June 17, 2024

Bible 170

 It seems as if life is filled with challenges and dilemmas that enable us to choose How we want to live, and who we want to become. Each experience is a sequence that builds who we become, either stagnant, retreating to the bad habits we seem to be wired to have, or renewed into someone God could only do in our hearts. 

Like the story in Acts about a man who manipulated for personal gain, we see many in our culture who do exactly as he did. But true character change into the likeness of Christ has no manipulative strategy. The change is God’s doing.Solomon’s gift of having wisdom must have been astounding. He was able to make decisions with clarity and justice. But as we will see later, Solomon seemed to miss judge the wisdom of his own character development  to be involved with multiple women. His lust for personal pleasure got him into trouble. Wisdom must be matched with character.  

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