Saturday, July 20, 2024

Calm Seas?

 Michael Sprague 



Anxiety, Inflation. Depression. Negative News Cycles. Violence. Polarization. Maybe, for a moment, you could read Scripture and reflect on the Rembrandt picture of Jesus with his disciples as the storm comes. Perhaps God will speak to you. Perhaps in ways that will surprise you. Give it a try.


Remember Jesus was sleeping when the storm swamped the boat. "The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” (Luke 8:23-25)


1. Ask God to guide your thoughts as you look at the picture and meditate on Scripture. What do you notice? What part of the painting are you drawn to?


2. As you look at the picture, ask God, “Which face am I in the boat?” Each disciple had their own reaction to the storm. Are you one of the panicked faces trying to fix the situation yourself? Maybe you are the angry one saying to Jesus, “Where are you? Why aren’t you helping us? Don’t you care if we drown?” Maybe you are the distressed seasick man with your head hanging over the side. Maybe you are sick of the storm. Maybe you can relate to the one barely hanging on for dear life or the one trembling with anxiety with eyes fixed on the enormous wave. Maybe you’re the disciple kneeling at Jesus feet with trust and reverence, the one with the halo signifying faith in the storm. Ask God, “Where am I in this story?” Interesting Note: There are 12 disciples in the boat with Jesus and a mystery 13th person. Who it that? Rembrandt often painted himself into his paintings and one of the disciples looks like him.


3. Pray about your storm now. Some storms like this one on the Sea of Galilee are dangerous, stressful, and real. Your storm might be financial winds howling, waves of job insecurity, capsizing relationships or internal darkness. Name your storm. Pray about it.


4. Now think of Jesus in the Scripture and painting. The boat is rocked violently. Rain is pelting him, and the wind is whipping. Jesus is calm. Unhurried. At peace. In Abba’s arms. Glancing up at the light piercing the darkness. No matter the storm or people pressing in on him from all sides … he was living one day at a time with the Father’s help. Receive His peace and presence today.


5. It’s easy to trust Jesus when the water is calm. No wind. No waves. It’s like a cruise or a leisurely fishing trip. It’s another thing to trust him with life, death, illness, salvation and trials. Don’t panic. Be still. Curiously, did you see the symbol of the cross of Christ right in the middle of Rembrandt’s painting? Imagine Jesus wrapping his crucified yet risen arms around you and saying, “Do not be afraid. I am your shelter in the storm. I am in your boat!” You are safer than you can ever imagine when he is at the helm”.

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