Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Triangle summary (Willard)

 1) face te truth that life is not easy. Romans 7 - we struggle to do what right. James 3 - trials come. We need not condemn ourselves for struggling but acknowledge it  be honest, open, vulnerable , share your struggle and high moments Life is not green lights and open doors. Events and crises interrupt  we can victims of others’ sins  crises can be like a torpedo out of no where or we can be trapped by jaded and twisted views that need changing  we need help  we need community, a church, a mentor, a counselor  what will it take to jump start you out of your struggle  never be afraid of ghe truth, past or present - acknowledge the struggle  what are your struggles? Mistakes, envy, fear, confusion, direction? War, politics, failure, disapproval  What is on your what if…list?  Grief can resemble depression. Struggles are often seen as a battle between wins and losses. We feel diminished by not making our expectations.losses can develop multi layers of grief, that we interpret to be victimization,, resentments, hurts and bitterness..

Few of us see sin as our problem after a while  it’s the other guy’s problem.  But this not Col:3, not Romans 7-7, not Fomans 12:1,2, not James 3

  “If they had learned anything, it was that life is the very definition of uncertainty. ” Excerpt From Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

It’s easy to have your heart broken. Loving people means we will lose some, transition to others. Grief and loss are normal struggles.  Until you acknowledge life is not perfect, you judge others by your standards. Life interruptions become huge irritations..

Maturity doesn’t come through age, but through adversity.  And not merely adversity, because adversity can result in bitterness, vengeance, and self-pity. Adversity leads to maturity when it results in humility. Ronnie Martin 

“It’s when we desire something more than God that our desires become destructive. Desiring, seeking, and serving someone or something other than God is what the Bible calls idolatry." Idolatry fuels unmet, misplaced, and misused desires and contributes to physical sickness, weight loss, weight gain, disease, and dis-ease. Most tragically, idolatry results in disconnection from God, the Source of Life.” 2/2 @alisakeeton on @myfaithradio - Susie kingdom

2) recommit yourself to become new. He has promised to NEVER leave us or forsake us. Be loyal to what He has told us. His kingdom is in the here and now moments of your life. God is inviting you to change, to be transformed into His likeness, not to be conformed to worldly standards of measurement. Fan the flame of His presence  there is a danger of letting our problems and issues become our identity  Jesus wants us to become new  Becoming new requires continuing conversations, revisiting old issues that keep popping up.  There are few one and done with it decisions.  Becoming new means we edit our life stories- not changing the facts, but surrendering to Him allowing His story to be our story.  

Living life is precarious, dangerous and precious.  Our bodies are amazing yet fragile.  

Accept what you cannot control. We cannot control or manipulate others or God. His kingdom invites you to surrender, to obey a different way of life.  Listen for his voice.  

Fail trying. Don’t fail watching  Bob Goff 

Everyday we choose to give the microphone to fear or hope.  Bob Goff

“I think of a Flannery O’Connor quote: “The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” What am I protecting myself from? What do I not want Wendell to see?”

Excerpt From Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

The only sin Jesus ever had was ours. The only righteousness we can ever have is his.— A. W. Tozer

3) becoming new takes effort. We cannot be passive. Identify jaded views, unhealthy relations. Find mentors. Be involved in discipling relationships. Practice rhythms of grace. His kingdom and His righteousness cannot be earned. Know the dangers of legalism and self pride. Examine yourself for ways you are independent and self sufficient. Transformation is not a one and done decision but a process bust requires time, new challenges, kingdom opportunities. Effort involves perfecting your listening skills.  The lord is MY shepherd. He leads, so I must follow. He invites me to green pastures - a better place.  

“When you search for me, you will find me,” the prophetic word is, “if you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).”

"A congregation who prays for their pastors will be a better-fed congregation than those who do not." (Alistair Begg)

The mind can be convinced… but the heart must be won. Inky Johnson  1 Samuel 16:7 Hid considers what is in the heart  

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