Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Maturity - Broken / humility vs pride

Triangle - bottom Hod’s presence His kingdom  side struggles flesh world sin systemic sin  side effort faith hope love action  middle my story Hod’s story His glory  - who you become 

Your hear r - don’t allow your heart to harden - disconnecting the information you learn. Info can be accumulated and you become a know it all - just like the PhariseesBob Hoff - God measures your heart while we live to shout opinions 

Lee Warren name your fears and confront gem  if we go with the flow and coast, we allow the thinking process to solidify  - take every thought captive to Christ - His love will change you  “if you don't know what to do with your life, just take the next step, something small right in front of you. And one of the things I say in the book is like, you can find God's will with your feet. At least that's how it's worked in my life.

There is no formula, equation or hidden riddle to growth  just show up  make the next best decision  it’s not about trying harder or following a list of rules  it’s wanting to be different  wanting to live Him with our whole self, wanting to love others, to live in peace, wanting to be a disciple maker, wanting to see the kingdom moving, wanting to be like Christ, wanting g to be like Christ is attaching yourself to Him  it is not being g adopted into His family  learning what it means to be His child  

Have nothing to do with myths and unproductive thinking  1 Tim 4:7

“You’ve been raised on the Message of the faith and have followed sound teaching. Now pass on this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and you’ll be a good servant of Jesus. Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion. Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart. This is why we’ve thrown ourselves into this venture so totally. We’re banking on the living God, Savior of all men and women, especially believers.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭10‬ ‭MSG‬‬


Daybreak Prayerby Cherie Snyder:

“Dear Lord, so far today I’m doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed, or eaten any chocolate. However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot more help after that. Amen.”

 “To the crowds’ dismay, it became clear that Jesus was talking about a strangely different kind of kingdom. The Jews wanted what people have always wanted from a visible kingdom: a chicken in every pot, full employment, a strong army to deter invaders. Jesus announced a kingdom that meant denying yourself, taking up a cross, renouncing wealth, even loving your enemies. As he elaborated, the crowd’s expectations crumbled.”

Excerpt, The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey

“A question has long puzzled me. In view of their expectations, why did Jesus keep arousing his followers’ hopes with the word kingdom? (It appears fifty-three times in Matthew’s gospel alone.) He insisted on associating himself with a term that everyone seemed to misunderstand. What did Jesus mean by the kingdom of God?

Jesus didn’t offer a clear definition of explanation of His kingdom  we are to search for it  it’s like a farmer sewing seeds  it’s the quality  of good soil  it is small as a mustard seed that can multiply  it’s like the value of a rare gem that you would sell everything to get  Jesus does not use coercive power - He does not force anyone to do anything  He invites us to participate  

“Jesus did not say, “All men will know9 you are my disciples . . . if you just pass laws, suppress immorality, and restore decency to family and government,” but rather “ . . . if you love one another  

“How could a true Messiah allow such a world to continue?

The only possible explanation lies in Jesus’ teaching that the kingdom of God comes in stages. It is “Now” and also “Not yet,” present and also future. Sometimes Jesus stressed the present aspect, as when he said the kingdom is “at hand” or “within you.” At other times he suggested the kingdom lay in the future as when he taught his disciples to pray, “Your kingdom come19, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Excerpt From

The Jesus I Never Knew

Philip Yancey

“Attachment love is central to an older path to Christian character. Saint Clare of Assisi (1194–1253) spoke of attachment in a proverb widely attributed to her: “We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.” Neuroscience would add that the beloved one becomes our life, our desire, and the one who sees us as we truly are. “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God.”[5] Without you near me, I die. You define me!”

Excerpt - Renovated

Jim Wilder


“We can't control our future, but we can control our responses right now. We can't choose how other people hurt us, but we can choose how we respond to that hurt. And for me, that's the part of God's will that I always try to focus on.

What is God's will for me right now in this situation that I'm in? That's the backward design. What type of person do I hope I am in 10 years, and then what can I do today to cultivate that person?

You are someone that was created to make a difference in the lives of others, you never really know the true impact you have on those around you. - Drew Maddux

I had a mentor once who said to me, assume the role. If in 10 years you want your kids to say that you valued your time with them over your profession, assume that role right now. If in 10 years, Heather, you want to be someone who is a strong leader, assume that role today.”

From Viral Jesus: The Wisdom of Backward Design, Oct 23, 2023

Drew Dycke - Everyone's looking for some sign or trying to figure out some riddle. But honestly, it's just when you're walking in obedience to God, doing the little things in front of you that usually he guides you into your calling. So yeah, sometimes we can get stressed out thinking too big and thinking, man, I'm really discouraged right now.

But if we just commit to doing the next small thing in front of us, first of all, that's just psychologically easier, I feel like. And again, realizing that, God doesn't expect us to change the world.”

From Viral Jesus: Drew Dyck: Just Show Up, Jun 13, 2024


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Teaching tip: Several years ago, I've retired the question "Do you have any questions?" and replaced it with "Ask me at least 2 questions" to help normalize questions in the classroom.  How do you calculate maturity?  How do you measure character growth?  What is the difference between reputation and character?

“Thieves crucified on either side of Jesus showed two possible responses. One mocked Jesus’ powerlessness: A Messiah who can’t even save himself? The other recognized a different kind of power.”

Excerpt From

The Jesus I Never Knew

Philip Yancey


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Different layers  not alone  Oikos modem of who is in your life  

What is maturity character development 


Name the struggle, reframe the struggle practice Husnpresence

Roman’s 12:1,2

How can you become mature, filled sigh Sharon?

 Triangle view of growth based on Paul teaching in Romans and Colossians

God’s kingdom - plan - to be with us, dwell among us - He has a plan from the beginning 

1) sin and its effects

2) God’s kingdom in the here and now

3) our actions, efforts 

 “Jesus, Paul, Dallas, and Jim are all saying the same thing. You will never grow up into Christlike maturity unless you are lovingly attached in an intimate relationship with God the Father and Jesus the Son through the powerful presence and work of the Spirit.

Roman’s 7 you don’t become mature through your will power

Excerpt From

One Eighty: A Return to Disciple-Making

Jeff Vanderstelt

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Without effort, without vigilance and guarding our hearts we allow the silent poison of wrong thinking and false ideas to stifle our growth  idols of power possessions, prestige, one up man ship  

I’m re learn g what it means to follow Christ in the here and now moments  I used to get frustrated at school that I didn’t complete my to do list each day j til I read a booklet the ‘the two minute counselor’  brief moments with a student or a teacher were imoortant connections  two minutes of a conversation led to many follow up two minutes  I learned that I could not predict or control when the two minute interruptions would occur.  I began praying each morning, Lord open my eyes and ears to your interruptions.  

These interruptions continue today  they can be called divine appointments, kingdom interruptions, or even walking in the Spirit.  

Brandon and Jess have the phrase ‘ look for the kingdom’ in their office.  I’m also re learning that many professing Christians resist this subversive outlook.  My strongest critics have always been professing Christians.  

It seems that many today would rather hide behind a wall of Bible knowledge or a strong authoritarian leader than be led by kingdom moments 

I ask myself how can I finish well? I want to live by the friits of the Spirit rather than be angry and negative about our cultural drift  

I’ve been frustrated with going deeper.  I want to find safe people to share what we are learning together.  Nick - God’s appointment  / Roger - safety in our frustration with the church / Adrian - I can’t tell you how encouraged I am by your leadership and words.  attending Kearney e free is fresh air.  I’m blown away by former students who never or rarely went to church. Good things are happening.  Listening to stories of how Hod is living.  Randy Erickson -  changed man. Families : extended families attending.  Grief stricken people who have been afraid to attend are now regular attendeers - comlwnging you and Jordan for the hope coming across the pulpit  

Do we have the wrong idea about following Christ?  Do we often think power politics on major issues, shouting loud about our values, is doing the right thing. But our pride in being right is much like the Pharisees. The discipline of silence, prayer, solitude, and secrecy need to be matched with a search for where the Kingdom is moving g right in front of us. Searching for His kingdom snd His righteousness is asking the Spirit to lead, not to build on the fleshly urge to gain a voice, promote power, acquire more information or possessions. Following Jesus is not promoting ourselves or our values. It’s honoring His upside down way of doing life. 

How can I navigate a polarized divided world by living a quiet and simple life?  How can I be a disciple maker, looking for His moving, rather than promoting myself?  How can I enter a discussion and point others to His kingdom, away from the idols of power and promotion?  


Jeff Vanderstelt 180

“We need to shift from just reaching people to making disciples. 

We need to shift from merely informing disciples to equipping disciple-makers. 

We need to shift from calling people to attend programs and events to leading people to truly attach to God and others. 

We need to shift from unhealthy striving to thriving as Spirit-”

“We need to shift from just reaching people to making disciples. 

We need to shift from merely informing disciples to equipping disciple-makers. 

We need to shift from calling people to attend programs and events to leading people to truly attach to God and others. 

We need to shift from unhealthy striving to thriving as Spirit-empowered disciples and emotionally healthy leaders.

And finally, we need to shift from merely accumulating people into our buildings and programs to deploying disciple-making disciples to the ends of the earth.”

Excerpt From

One Eighty: A Return to Disciple-Making

Jeff Vanderstelt

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“We need to shift from just reaching people to making disciples. 

We need to shift from merely informing disciples to equipping disciple-makers. 

We need to shift from calling people to attend programs and events to leading people to truly attach to God and others. 

We need to shift from unhealthy striving to thriving as Spirit-empowered disciples and emotionally healthy leaders.

And finally, we need to shift from merely accumulating people into our buildings and programs to deploying disciple-making disciples to the ends of the earth.”

Excerpt From

One Eighty: A Return to Disciple-Making

Jeff Vanderstelt

The GOAL - help others find the presence of Jesus  to know Him  

“At that time those who feared the Lord spoke to one another. The Lord took notice and listened. So a book of remembrance was written before him for those who feared the Lord and had high regard for his name.”

‭‭Malachi‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭CSB‬‬


I think if te couple who lost their son in  car accident.  The mom blamed the dad because he didn’t keep the car serviced, the brakes were bad and needed repair  ghe son had been going to fast and filled the car.  She blamed the husband - but a symptom of underlying marriage problems.  Another couple who came into our lives had lister son in a car accident.  The mom gravitated to one of our sons who reminded her of her son.  Both couples seemed to lame God, angry for what had happened.  Both families refused to see that Jesus experienced grief, had wept, and felt the chaos of a broken world.  I lost a younger brother in a drowning accident.  My Dad blamed Hkd and became an angry short fused man.  These images shaped my view of God - was He cruel? Did He cause bad things to happen? Was He distant?

Philip Yancey - “Jesus’ response to suffering people and to “nobodies” provides a glimpse into the heart of God. God is not the unmoved Absolute, but rather the Loving One who draws near. God looks on me in all my weakness, ”


“Our hearts are like that. We think we’ve learned about grace, set our idols aside, and reached a place where we’re serving God not for what we’re going to get from him but for who he is. There’s a certain sense in which we spend our entire lives thinking we’ve reached the bottom of our hearts and finding it is a false bottom. Mature Christians are not people who have completely hit the bedrock. I do not believe that is possible in this life. Rather, they are people who know how to keep drilling and are getting closer and closer.” - Timothy J. Keller, Counterfeit Gods

 I’m so guilty of thinking I’ve treated others well…until I realize I’ve been condescending and self righteous. I often fail to understand the full story behind what has happened to the one I’ve considered beneath my standard. When I re-read how Jesus gravitated to those who struggle, I wonder what I’m doing by being pulled toward the powerful and prestigious. James is blunt. He cuts through the fake hypocrisy where I find myself. 

“Our hearts are like that. We think we’ve learned about grace, set our idols aside, and reached a place where we’re serving God not for what we’re going to get from him but for who he is. There’s a certain sense in which we spend our entire lives thinking we’ve reached the bottom of our hearts and finding it is a false bottom. Mature Christians are not people who have completely hit the bedrock. I do not believe that is possible in this life. Rather, they are people who know how to keep drilling and are getting closer and closer.” - Timothy J. Keller, Counterfeit Gods

“The sense of futility is one of the greatest evils of the day. . . . People say, “What can one person do? What is the sense of our small effort?” They cannot see that we can only lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time; we can be responsible only for the one action of the present moment. But we can beg for an increase of love in our hearts that will vitalize and transform all our individual actions, and know that God will take them and multiply them, as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes.


Excerpt From

The Divine Conspiracy Continued

Dallas Willard & Gary Black, Jr.


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“He who diligently seeks good seeks favor and grace, But he who seeks evil, evil will come to him.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭11‬:‭27‬ ‭AMP‬‬


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Bible 282

 Tests and trials are difficult to understand, and hard to endure. Paul could have been angry and bitter that he was in prison but he used h...