Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Narrow Path

 Rich Villodas on Carey Nueushof

“Sanctification, theology, spiritual formation, discipleship, spiritual formation. You know, this might sound scandalous to say, Carey, but there are lots of Christians that are not on the narrow path.

And because everything that Jesus has talked about in the Sermon on the Mount, it is very easy to say, yes, I'm a follower of Jesus and not be living in the way that Christ has called us to. And so again, I'm not talking soteriological language here. I'm talking about the discipleship language.

Of course, that has impact into eternity, but the accent, and so it is a guide. Now, what's fascinating though is the way that folks have typically interpreted the Sermon on the Mount is through a lens of this is what can't be done. Therefore, the emphasis is on trusting God for forgiveness.

“the Sermon on the Mount is the most important set of teachings in the Bible as relates to faithfulness of Jesus. And if that is true, relatively speaking, it might be the most under preached, under-contemplated set of teachings in the entire Bible.

And misapplied.

And misapplied, 100%, 100%. 100%, 100%. And so I think part of it begins with to our own interior examination, which when you're really angry and outraged, it's often very difficult, which is why back to community, back to friendship, you start, we started out by saying, how do you protect your own soul and your own integrity?

I need a lot of relationships around me to do that. And spiritual director, friends, Rosie, mentors, elders, I need a lot around me to help me from going down a particular road.

It's interesting, you know, I hadn't thought about this before, but when I think about that circle around me, outraged people don't last long in my circle. If somebody's driven by outrage, you know, they're always upset about this. They're always upset about that.

They're going on a rant about this. I don't, I really, yeah, that's really interesting. I didn't think about[…]”

“What do you think could happen to us?

I think we're already seeing, I mean, the level of, in one of my books, Good and Beautiful and Kind, I write about powers and principalities, Ephesians six language, and that feels like, oh, we're talking about demons now behind every bush. What I mean, when I define powers and principalities, I'm talking about kind of nefarious forces that get caught up in individuals, ideologies and institutions with three goals, deception, depersonalization and division. Any powers and principalities, social media is a power and principality that at its best, it's helping to foster good connection.

Some of my best friends I've met through social media and some good things happened there. But when it's wrapped around these negative nefarious forces, what you find is deception, depersonalization and division. I think at its worst, that's AI and technology generally.

We're moving down a road of deceit. What is real? We're moving down a road of depersonalization where people are no longer seen as image bearers of God.

They are reduced to the things that we hate most about them. We don't see people anymore, individuals. And then there's the division that's already part[…]”

From The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast: CNLP 663 | Rich Villodas on How to Know When Your Soul is in Danger, How He's Approaching the 2024 Election Differently, And Why Many Christians Are on the Broad—Not the Narrow—Path, Jul 16, 2024

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From The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast: CNLP 663 | Rich Villodas on How to Know When Your Soul is in Danger, How He's Approaching the 2024 Election Differently, And Why Many Christians Are on the Broad—Not the Narrow—Path, Jul 16, 2024

This material may be protected by copyright.

And so the language is, it's rooted in, the Sermon on the Mount is idealism and we cannot live this reality. And so it's like, instead of you can't live this out, so trust God, the emphasis I am placing is trust God so that by God's grace, we can live this out. Where the emphasis is not on Jesus saying, if you get[…]”

From The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast: CNLP 663 | Rich Villodas on How to Know When Your Soul is in Danger, How He's Approaching the 2024 Election Differently, And Why Many Christians Are on the Broad—Not the Narrow—Path, Jul 16, 2024

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