Sunday, September 8, 2024

Way 7

 How do you look at the word ‘repent’?  We do not hear that word in our culture. Perhaps most never see the need to repent of anything because we give ourselves permission to do most anything. Our cultural norm is to not be judgmental. I used to think that repentance was a once and dome surrender to Christ. I thought that I needed to periodically ‘recommit’ myself to that repentant mindset. But I’m learning that repentance is a daily surrender, letting go of my self sufficient need to control and manipulate. I’m learning that I need to practice a discipline of letting go, asking God to lead me in my next decision or challenge. 

“There are no accidental saints. You can't just slip your hand up at the end of a sermon. It's a high bar of entry: It will require you to reorder your entire life around following Jesus as your undisputed top priority, over your job, your money, your reputation - over everything. Yet all these things will find their rightful place once integrated into a life of apprenticeship.” - John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way

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