Thursday, February 3, 2022

Mastering Moods 07

Many of our plans have been turned upside down, and the challenges of 2020-2022 keep coming. The storms of circumstances get heavy, overwhelming, and seem never-ending—whether we are facing a pandemic, a health crisis, a financial crisis or a family and relationship crisis. But when they all happen at once? It’s almost unbearable.  How can we honor God when our hearts are heavy?  If we aren’t in a crisis, we probably have just come out of one or we are headed toward one because we live in a broken world with sin abounding. But God had promised grace to meet our needs.  He allows His Spirit to meet us in our uncertainties, predicaments and disappointments. He reminds us that, even though things have changed in a way we did not prefer, God is still in control.  God is shaping us to to be the person He desires, changing us to be less self diffident, depending on Him in all humility  

“We spend too much time concealing our neediness. We need to stop hiding. Being needy is our basic condition. There is no shame in it—it’s just the way it is. Understanding this, accepting it, and practicing it will make you a better helper.” -  Ed Welch, Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love

“In the midst of pain and trouble, it takes faith for us to say, “God intends this for good,” but that’s just what we must do. To say that “everything is against me” when everything is working for me, is to rebel against the loving heart of God. To ask, “What is God doing?” when we know His purpose is to make us more like Jesus, is to make our situation worse.” - Warren Wiersbe, The Defining Verse, p77

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