Saturday, March 12, 2022

Peter’s Anguish 3/20

 Peter’s denial has always haunted me like a ghost.  Would I deny Jesus if someone held a gun to my head, demanding that I recant my faith?  Will I stand silent during a conflict, arguing whether Christ has risen or not?  I don’t think I would ever deny Christ at this point in my life, because I know He loves me no matter the circumstances or trauma.  However I can easily remember my weakness and reticence of the past.  I can also remember when I’ve spoken boldly for my faith and received intense criticism from fellow church goers.  We need to remember that we live in the here and now, with spiritual powers at battle, challenging us to deny Him, divide us, and discourage us. I mail fail miserably at times, but Jesus loves and restores Peter to be a rock of faith.   

  1. “Imagine the presence of One who deeply loves you and is powerful enough to deal with the things you fear. It turns fear into confidence. But, like all spiritual growth, this change only comes with practice. It comes when you say, “Amen—I believe” when you hear or read the promises of God. It comes through meditation on God’s words. It comes when the cross of Jesus Christ assures you that God is faithful. These words to the fearful are so important that Jesus makes them his final words on earth: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). The resurrection is God’s answer to fear. Jesus is alive.” -- Edward T. Welch, Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness

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