Friday, March 11, 2022

Watching in the Garden 3/19


The drama leading up go the crucifixion had to be intense, but I don’t think Peter, James and John realized how quickly events would change. The emotional roller coaster of loyalty to Jesus, the betrayal, and the soldiers quick arrest of Jesus pushed Peter to take impulsive action. Even though life seemed out of control, Jesus was in control by being obedient go there Father. Maybe this is a good lesson to learn as life seems chaotic and a mess at times. God is still control even when we do not understand what is happening. I need to trust His lead, pray hard, and do the next best thing as we sense His wisdom.

  1. “On your very worst, most rebellious, and most faithless day, you can run into the holy presence of your heavenly Father and he will not turn you away. Your acceptance has not been, nor will it ever be, based on your performance.” - Paul David Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional

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