Friday, March 4, 2022

The Last Supper 07

 What would it have been like to be present with the disciples at the last supper?  I think I would have been confused to what was really going on.  I may have questioned myself that I missed some of the key points of Jesus’s teaching.  I don’t know that I would have been prepared for communion or Judas’s departure.  But I think the atmosphere must have been very somber with the expectation that life would never be the same again.  I wonder if I take following Christ as seriously as I should, as I think about how the last supper impacted the disciples.  Jesus’s words, attitude and actions would be taken very personal.

Good disciplemaking requires both intentionality and relationality. It means being strategic and being social. Most of us are bent one way or the other. We’re naturally relational, but lacking in intentionality. Or we find it easy to be intentional, but not relational. We typically tip (or sometimes lean) one way or the other as we begin the disciplemaking process. But tipping and leaning won’t cover the full picture of what life-on-life disciplemaking requires. It’s not just friend-to-friend, and it’s not just teacher-to-student. It’s both. There is the sharing of ordinary life (relationship) and seeking to initiate and make the most of teachable moments (intentionality). There are the long walks through Galilee and the sermons on the mount. Disciplemaking is both organic and engineered, relational and intentional, with shared context and shared content, quality and quantity time.

  “I fear many imagine God as far too small. Even if you say the right words and articulate good doctrine, if you are not somehow unsettled by God’s mystery, somehow overcome by his greatness, it’s probably because you have domesticated him. Accessibility to information about him has inoculated you to his grandeur.” - David Mathis, How to Stay Christian in Seminary

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