Friday, April 22, 2022

Coping With Evil

 I want to understand our world and not be clueless in a discussion.  I do not want to be gullible, drifting with every wind of opinion.  I do not want to be constantly looking for information just to confirm my I’ll informed opinions.  With anger, division, injustice, and evil present, and with the twisting of truth to justify an opinion, I want to constantly search for wisdom.

A Prayer For Today:  Thank you, Lord, that you see every detail of our lives. You know full well how evil and injustice run rampant among the rulers of this world. You know how gullible we can be when truth is distorted and misinformation is spread. Empower us to not worry, but trust in You. Help us to trust only in You, that You will make things right, bringing justice to the evil and wrong doing around us. (Psalm 37:1-7)

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