Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why I Do What I Don’t Want 5/31

 The first step in daily recovery from this struggle is recognizing the problem. If I’m not aware that I’m not doing what is right, my problem is much deeper than what is discussed in this devotional. The temptation to hold on to sinful desires is real everyday and giving in only leads to a drift away from the Spirit’s leading. Saying to myself, “One more time won’t hurt” or “I’ll eventually get rid of that temptation” is when my faith is weakening. I cannot master this struggle on my own, trying harder the next time, mustering up greater will power. It’s a repetitive cycle until I worship Him in all humility, living by the Sprit’s residence, praying through passage of Scripture. It’s allowing His Kingdom to reside rather than building my own self righteous kingdom. 

“Jesus never said doing these things would be easy. He just said they would work.” - Bob Goff, Everybody, Always

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