Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Jesus Is God 6/19

 Our culture minimizes the fact that Jesus is God bee rationalize or explain all things to environmental, genetic, or chemical causes. Survival of the fit means we should strive for power, possessions, influence, and manipulation. Advertising, marketing schemes convince us that we need flash, glitz, and the stage to make a difference. But if Jesus is God, the One who created all things, our identity and purpose becomes revolutionary and counter cultural. 

It’s worth chewing on the truth of Jesus’ divinity for a few moments. Jesus is not just an ambassador for God. Jesus is not just part of God. Jesus is not just someone who lived a good life and taught some helpful things and deserves to be remembered favorably by history because He helped us find a better understanding of God.

No, Jesus is God.” - Excerpt, At the Table with Jesus, by Louie Giglio

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