Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Dungy 1 7/30

 “[Some] take some things of Christ not the whole Christ. They think it’s only believing on Him as a Saviour for pardon of sin; they do not choose Him as Lord to whom in all obedience they resign themselves. This is indeed the rock that splits many, tell them of believing in Christ, and they think that is only to rest on Him for salvation, they attend not that it is receiving of Christ for all ends and purposes God sent Him into the world.” - Warren Wiersbe

I have more time to reflect and read than I have ever had in my life. It was very difficult to carve out any time because of the long list of ‘to do’ items that never ended. But I often wonder if I had taken more time to pray, would some events have been different? Would more people’s lives have been influenced to live for Christ? I’m learning that even though I can be busy, it’s no excuse to not pray during the busy time and not let my to do list be an excuse. 

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Psalm 2

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