Monday, July 11, 2022

Why I Write 7/29

 John 21 is filled with so many encouraging words. Peter had just denied that he knew Jesus but He was waiting for Peter and the disciples on the shore to serve breakfast. Jesus didn’t have a choir of angels singing to announce His resurrection or an army of angelic soldiers. He cooked breakfast for an intimate group of men. He looked Peter in the eyes and told him to make disciples. Even though we totally mess things up, Jesus is there to help us get back on track. These verses are inspiring, teaching that we have a mission and purpose in life far more than possessions and status. Jesus knows us far better than we know ourselves and He loves us so much that He looks into our eyes and says “go”; “I am with you, even to the end.”  

The familiar words of Jesus are “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). But these must be balanced by the insight that, in general, if we do nothing it will certainly be without him.

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