Sunday, July 31, 2022

Family 8/5

 Our growing up families have had and continue to have long lasting impact on the way we think and relate to others. I’ve met many who experienced long lasting negative consequences from dysfunctional patterns. But the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and new relationships with Christ followers can change the dysfunction into God honoring patterns. Developing relationships with like minded brothers and sisters is life changing, a process that can be emotionally painful. May God help us identify the patterns we practice that do not honor Him, moving us into a fully devoted life that glorifies Him.  

To be an incarnational follower of Christ, there must be a relinquishing of control, a reversal of social order. According to the natural perceptions of this world, it’s an upside-down kingdom. But it’s a kingdom of God-saturated imagination. It’s the way of the Cross.
Rich Villodas, The Deeply Formed Life

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