Saturday, July 30, 2022

High School reunion Dinner 7/27

 Five of us gathered for supper to celebrate each of us turning 70. Dan couldn’t stop talking gossip about college and high school days, remembering pranks and drinking escapades. His crude jokes were designed to make us laugh but it showed true character. One thing I’m reminded is that no bad stories could be told about me - I’ve lived a sheltered life. 

Do older men still wonder who they are and who they want to be?  Are they still trying to figure out their insecurities?  I’m hoping I’ve grown up enough to distance myself from my old self toward becoming all in for Jesus. What else is ther, at this point?  Who knows how much time is left to make a difference or to lay up treasure in heaven. 

It’s amazing that 70 year olds are worried about their bravado, brashness, having been cool back in the day, trying to convince listeners that they are still cool. But following Jesus creates a mission with passion, giving others space, yet being more accessible and approachable. Pursuing Him makes us mor open and loving, shying away from categorizing and judging. His Word and the Holy Spirit do their work in our lives, helping us look beyond the surface, across borders, beyond cultural boundaries. We discover ourselves to be more caring and full of Hope than we could imagine. We see through the institutional systems of sin and idolatry that have become embedded in our thinking. Jesus becomes our King, not an added Christian slogan or resume link. 

Rather than trying to prove ourselves before others we discover we have nothing to prove. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and in the process, enable others to be the same. God calls us to where our burdens surface. He nudged us to the hurting and grieving. We discover that we cannot fix every broken person or mend all hurts but we can give evidence that our Lord cares and that He will one day make all things right. 

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