Monday, July 11, 2022

Peace, Power, and a Campfire 7/28

 Our world is filled with anxiety and a long worry list. If ever we needed peace to calm our hearts it is now. I’m praying that you and I grow in an awareness of Christ’s presence in our hearts, that we know He is with us regardless of the issue. He will give us direction and guidance throughout our lives for each step in our journey. Just like Mary at the tomb, I don’t expect God to show up but He does. I’m praying that we expect God to do big things and that we attempt great things for Him. If I’m so full of myself that I do not expect Him to work, I’ll never experience the fullness of the Spirit with love, peace, joy and kindness. 

To live strongly and creatively in the kingdom of the heavens, we need to have firmly fixed in our minds what our future is to be like. We want to live fully in the kingdom now, and for that purpose our future must make sense to us. It must be something we can now plan or make decisions in terms of, with clarity and joyful anticipation. In this way our future can be incorporated into our life now and our life now can be incorporated into our future.

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