Monday, July 11, 2022

What Did Jesus Pray? 7/25

 Unity between followers of Christ is evidence that our faith is real, and inner proof that we are being changed by the Holy Spirit. I sense this truth between us, Michael  - even though we are just beginning a friendship that I hope lasts!  I pray that you experience His love in a deep way, that you find many more who are growing in faith, and that you will always be an influencer of many. Let’s pray that we stay away from the divisive issues of the culture and focus on our adoration and praise of the One who saved us from ourselves. 

Much of our problem is not, as is often said, that we have failed to get what is in our head down in our heart. Much of what hinders us is that we have had a lot of mistaken theology in our head and it has gotten down into our heart. And it is controlling our inner dynamics so that the head and heart cannot, even with the aid of the Word and the Spirit, pull one another straight.

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