Friday, October 21, 2022

Behold 10/28

 Every day is a new day to remind ourselves that He will provide; that He is leading us through whatever challenge or obstacle is present. If He is indeed sovereign and the Creator, He will provide the grace needed for the moment. 

Here is one great name - Jehovah-jireh. You will find it in the story of Abraham going up into that mountain to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He was on the point of striking his son when suddenly God stopped him and said, 'Do not strike him, I have another offering.' And Abraham found a ram in the thicket. The Lord had provided the offering and the sacrifice, so he gave that name, 'The Lord Will Provide'. And so, whenever you go into the presence of God, whatever your need may be, whatever form the need may be taking, remind yourself that you are praying to Jehovah-jireh, the Lord who has promised to provide. He will be with you for He says, 'I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee' (Josh 1:5).

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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