Monday, November 7, 2022

Power in Prayer 11/12

 I often feel guilty and ashamed for my lack of prayer time  but the times that I’m most connected to our Savior through gratitude and love, I find myself praying naturally and with boldness  I’m thinking my problem is not trying harder or scheduling prayer time, it’s my relationship and communication with Him  

Father God, You are our Creator and King. No other authority deserves our attention and focus. Your Kingdom come, please. May Your presence take full residence in our hearts, minds, and actions, that You would receive all honor and glory in what we do and say. 


“Prayer is the natural outgushing of a soul in communion with Jesus. Just as the leaf and the fruit will come out of the vine-branch without any conscious effort on the part of the branch, but simply because of its living union with the stem, so prayer buds, and blossoms, and fruits out of souls abiding in Jesus.” - Charles Spurgeon

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