Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hope 1/30

 I once read that whenever two people meet, there will be a difference of opinion. I’m not sure that is always true, but it seems a guarantee that we will work with difficult people at times. It has been shocking to see the deep division among long standing friends and church goers surrounding politics and policies. it seems like many have lost focus on the eternal realities of His Kingdom by focusing on earthly opinions and viewpoints. Perhaps God is allowing much of the division to sift who really is in love with the Savior, challenging us to recalibrate what is true, honorable, and worthy of our time. Let’s encourage each other to be all in for being led by the Spirit, not the flesh of our own kingdom building. 

“God answers prayer, not just to meet the needs of his burdened children but to bring glory to his name through the answers. That’s one reason why God permits difficulties in our lives, so that his ministry to us will reveal his power and glory to those who are watching. Do we pray only to have our needs met and our wants supplied as soon as possible, or do we pray because we want to see Jesus glorified on earth? Are we willing to suffer or even to fail if this will honor the Lord in a greater way?” - Warren W. Wiersbe, On Earth as It Is in Heaven

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