Thursday, February 16, 2023

Change 2/21

 We all can make disastrous decisions that could result in maximum collateral damage. How many people do you know who have ruined their reputation after working hard to build a legacy of success? Temptations abound in our culture. ‘We don’t wreck our lives all at once but a little at a time. We’re all tempted to slide down that 56,250-step slope every day.’ I’m not sure that temptations to do wrong will ever be eliminated in this life, but we can replace the strength of a tempting sin by our passion to follow Christ. Surrendering an area of our lives to Him can be one of the most rewarding things we do, even if it involves sacrifice of time, emotions or resources. Samson had every opportunity to honor God but his worst enemy was himself. It’s a good day when we grasp the fact that Jesus saves us from ourselves.

“Every day that we're not practicing godliness we're being conformed to the world of ungodliness around us.” - Jerry Bridges, The Fruitful Life

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