Monday, March 20, 2023

Chosen 3/21

 Each of us can tell a story of how God has changed and is changing us. Perhaps our story is not as dramatic as some of of the disciples. We may not have a dark prior record before coming to Christ, but we definitely have an “after.” The rowdy fisherman, Peter, became the early church leader. John, the son of Thunder, prone to react with intense anger, became a leader known for his love. The taxman traitor became a church leader and a political zealot changed his entire lifestyle. How can we articulate our personal story to communicate the changes Christ is making within us?

“Too many of us are too comfortable in our “Jesus lifeboat.” Instead of the church preparing its members to reach out to other people who are still in the water and pulling them into the boat, we have settled in for the ride to heaven and are busy coming up with ways to make the trip more comfortable. We go to church each week and worship God because we are saved and safe, forgetting that the lifeboat is not yet full.” - Tony Evans, God's Glorious Church

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