Thursday, March 9, 2023

Don’t Hold Back

 “Let’s gladly come together, then, under Jesus, and let’s not be afraid to discuss all sorts of issues even when they’re difficult. Where we might have disagreement and division, let’s strive to love one another well, just as Jesus loves us. And when we talk through our views with God’s Word as our authority and God’s grace in our hearts, let’s be open to potential changes in our perspectives.

Forging unity in this way won’t be easy. In fact, if my experience is any indication, it will be really hard. It requires a resolve to love one another in a way that is extremely countercultural in our country. It requires a commitment to live in peace with one another and protect one another despite passionate disagreements on some matters. But this kind of unity among believers is worth it. In a wearying world that is constantly beating us down, we all long for brothers and sisters who will stand with us and for us like we’re family.”

“ Among elders, those born prior to 1946, 65 percent agreed that the Bible is sufficient for meaningful living. That number decreased to 56 percent among boomers, the next classification of respondents. Among those classified as Gen Xers, the number dropped to 40 percent. Want to guess what percentage of millennials (those born between 1985 and 1998) agreed that the Bible is sufficient for meaningful living? Just 27 percent.[1]”

Me - Linking arms in unity among Christ followers is important to communicate faith, hope, and love for every single person, regardless of background or status.  Communicating hope is essential - hope in the Bible and in Jesus.  Many need help from medical professional, mental health professionals, financial assistance, or financial advising  our Hope is that each person will be presented whole in Christ. Help from others is essential, whether a professional,  a mentor, or friend.    

Diane Langberg - Working to restore those who have been traumatized by the evil and suffering in this world can easily lead us to cease following our Master, believing that the fight is only against what is external. It is indeed, but we must never forget it is also ever and always within us too.

Two simple words from Jesus with profound implications for us to finish well in life: FOLLOW ME!

At my age, I am finding Jesus more compelling than ever … surprising … interesting … shocking … confusing … attractive … awesome … mysterious … stunning … fascinating. I am not ashamed to tell you He changed my life. He is the One I most admire, respect, and follow. He is not a legend or a fable. He is the greatest person you could ever know. 

Tough, sturdy fishermen found Jesus so compelling they dropped their nets and gave up their occupations. Simon the Zealot gave up his resistance movement and became part of something more powerful. Matthew the shark in the marketplace left his cash register wide open and followed the opportunity of a lifetime. Jesus’ hands were calloused. He had some serious forearms, His fingernails were not manicured, His appearance was not anything to brag about, but people flocked to Him. Wealthy, poor, religious and irreligious, fisherman, and prostitutes ended up saying, “I’ve got to have Jesus. Whatever it takes. I’ve got to follow Him.”

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Bible 282

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