Thursday, April 6, 2023

Hearing God 17

 Listening intently for direction is wise thinking, never in a rush to make major decisions, careful to honor our Father. It is also wise to be at the end of my rope, exhausting all other alternatives that might seem ok decisions but not as God honoring. This last week has been a tough week, worrying about my 94 year old father in law, diagnosed with a staff infection in his leg. With a low pulse, the decision was made to put in a pace maker. Already immobile without a walker, we weren’t sure of post surgery care. Praying “Lord, we do not know what to do!”  But opportunities fell into place within 24 hours to provide round the clock care until he is stronger. It was an overwhelming relief and not coincidental. Again, trusting Him, pleading for answers, all for our Father’s honor, opens up more opportunities to love Him more. 

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