Sunday, May 14, 2023

Kingdom Come 3

 One sentence jumped out at me, which may summarize today’s reading: “Our propensity is to continually return to what has seemingly provided comfort, security, and safety, yet all the while turning our backs on the journey to wholeness and freedom that God desires for us.”  I’ve often been drawn back to the guilt and shame I grew up with, enslaving me to an idolatry of ‘I’m not good enough.’  But that pull has been weakened by focusing on the freedom to worship our Father, grasping the identity He planned for me from the beginning. I don’t have to compare myself to anyone’s standards nor do I have to feel threatened by anyone’s presence, success, or demands. I know that He loves me and accepts me. I know He has forgiven me and He will never leave me. Approaching our Father for who He is has changed my view of what fatherhood really is. He does not want you and me to be imprisoned by a false identity. Bob Gods says:  “ Shame keeps us behind the walls we have constructed to keep everybody out.  “So do envy and bitterness and judgmental people. Most of pride’s prisoners think they are the guards.”  Understanding who our Father is leads to a strength in humility and being vulnerable. A healthy relationship with Him is an upside down view of modern psychology. 

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Bible 282

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