Thursday, June 1, 2023

One Thing - Phil Rykin




The formerly blind man: “One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (Jn.9:25).  The Apostle Paul: “One thing I do… I live heavenward” (Phil. 3:13). King David: “One thing have I desired of the LORD… to gaze on his beauty” (Ps. 27:4). Jesus: “Only one thing is necessary, and Mary chose it… communing with me” (Luke 10:42).


Lord Jesus, the older we get, the less heart-space we have, and the greater the need for wise choices. Options will continue to multiply like spring allergies, summer zucchini, and new taxes. The Gospel helps us discern the difference between the okay, better, and best. We are free, but we want to use our freedom wisely, Jesus (Gal.5:13). Help us.

Like the blind man you healed—there’s a lot we don’t know, but there is one thingthat should define us more than anythingelse; and that is the certainty of what you have done for us. Jesus, you didn’t just give us eyes to see you, you also gave us a new heart, your perfect righteousness, and the assurance of eternal life. Hallelujah, and thank you.

We don’t want to spend-and-spin the rest of our days dabbling and fiddling around with many things. Like Paul living heavenward, David gazing on your beauty, and Mary communing with you—we want to live as “one-thing” disciples. We want to know, love, and serve you with all our hearts and our remaining days. May our schedules, choices, and attitudes demonstrate that our delight is in you, and our desire is for you, Jesus.

On our death bed, none of us will wish we had spent more time resenting, blaming, vexing, and fearing—building bigger barns and having smaller hearts. So Very Amen.

Get your free digital copy of Before You Share Your Faith

Evangelism is intimidating. Many Christians worry: what if I come off preachy or pushy? What if someone raises an objection I can’t answer? What if I look foolish? What if I get canceled as a religious fanatic? What if I unintentionally treat someone like a project, not a person?

Before You Share Your Faith, by TGC editor Matt Smethurst, offers encouragement and motivation to Christians who feel endlessly poised at the starting line of evangelism, but can’t seem to get going. 

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