Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Heartbeat 4

 Growing up, I did not receive any teaching about what the Holy Spirit does in a person’s life, nor who the Apirit is as part of our Triune God. Since then, I’ve tried to read up on this teaching, discovering that it’s essential to live according to the Soirit’s leading, not by our own efforts (Romans 8). If I am praying and searching for His leading, applying God’s word, and trying to honor God more than myself, I’m on the right track. So many times, people will say that have prayed about a decision, but have they really?  Are they really searching for ways to home God with their life?  Only He knows the thoughts and intentions of our heart. There are no bragging rights to allowing the Spirit to work in us, because He is the One and only Audience of approval. 

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Bible 282

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