Saturday, August 19, 2023

Heroes 12

 I often wonder what would happen if every Christian did as we are doing in this devotional. Paul’s friendship with Epaphroditus is I sliding and motivating.  Connecting each day is more powerful and life changing than a lot of church programs or groups, at least from my experience. I’m sure it’s not true for many but making an intentional effort to connect, encourage, share and pray for each other is where the Holy Spirit is working. Developing God honoring relationships is building the Kingdom here and now, but it’s also having an affect on the Kingdom that will be established in eternity. Who knows what we might be doing together in eternity, or how our connection has unseen ripple effects in others. 

“When Jesus commanded, “Make disciples,” he wasn’t simply referring to converts. He wants followers who follow — people who submit to his teachings and his ways. But because we’ve preached a different gospel, a vast throng of people think they are Christian/saved/born again when they really aren’t! We’ve made the test for salvation doctrinal rather than behavioral, ritualizing it with walking the aisle, praying to receive Christ, or signing a doctrinal statement.” - Bill Hull, The Complete Book of Discipleship

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