Thursday, November 16, 2023

Colossians 3:16

 Colossians 3:16

[16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.


Let the word- allow, open up, soak it in

Word of Christ - His words, His way, the Bible, 

To dwell, - to live, remain fixed, take root, a rhythm of daily experience 

Asminish - warn each other, take precautions, guard each other 

To teach - to engage with others, to impart a deep understanding, more than information transfer

Wisdom - prudence, using intelligence on all range of issues to live, to not ruin your life, to grow in maturity. Skill of learning, science of learning, skill of right living. 

Singing - songs present in your mind and heart, rehearsing over and over, sporadic and spontaneous

WHAT - the Word



WHO - you

WHY / HOW - dwell, sing, thankfulness, teaching, admonishing


1. Develop a strategy to be immersed in Scripture. It does not ‘just happen’. Plans, strategies, thinking through the plan allow the word to be a vital part of our lives. 

2. Our strategy needs relationships to encourage, inspire, reaffirm the truth in our hearts. The plan is far more than information transfer - it is life change, transformation, being different than the cultural norm. 

3. Our strategy must include teaching each other, challenging each other to live right. 

4. Singing, music is all a part of growing together. 

5. Our strategy must include gratitude that is deeply rooted in our hearts. 


- I need a daily strategy for the word to dwell in me - YouVersion devotionals that connects to others

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