Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Bible 1/10

 Thoughts from today

Storms are sure to come. The best we can do is be prepared with no predictions of when or how bad.  Some of the disciples were experienced fishermen, and were used to the sudden thunderstorms. But this one must have been bad and they were afraid. I’ve spent a lot of head time worrying about future storms. My panic button is ever ready to be activated when an unexpected phone call might be have bad news. My Dad was killed in a car accident when I was 23 and the phone call has triggered other fears of bad news. Bevel with all the anxiety about the future, God promises to NEVER leave or forsake us. It’s obvious God’s presence has been there all along and He will continue to be with us, no matter the circumstances. I’m reminding myself that there is no need to be afraid, because of His presence. I need to strengthen my ciurage muscles to look at Jesus, inviting me to trust Him, rather than look at the storm clouds. 

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Bible 187

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