Monday, February 5, 2024


 Finishing the task is an enormous task  but God is gathering resources  illumiNations

100 percent of the world’s population, a New Testament for 99.9 percent, and a full Bible for 95 percent by 2033. That is 9 years away. Is His return imminent?  

I do not want to be discouraged by the anger and division in the news but fixed on what God is doing. 

Michael Sprague


I have always been tickled by rehearing the account about the agnostic University Professor visiting the Fiji Islands and observing how influential the missionaries had been over the years. The Professor said to the tribal chief, “I see schools and churches everywhere. It is a shame you have been duped by the missionaries. No one believes the Bible anymore. The story of Jesus dying on the cross for sin is worn out and thread bare.” 

The Tribal Chief responded, “Do you see that rock over there? On that rock we smashed the heads of our victims before we ate them. Do you see that oven over there? That is where we roasted our victims before we ate them. Mr. Professor were it not for those missionaries who brought us the cross of Jesus Christ and the love of God that changed us from cannibals into followers of Jesus, you would have been our supper by now!“

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Can you say thank you for the cross? Go ahead and say it out loud ... God, thank you for the cross. The cross is not the end of the story, but it is the centerpiece of our story. Amen?

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