Thursday, February 15, 2024

True Identity


A friend of mine was taking an 18-minute Lyft ride. He jovially and curiously asked the driver, “If you had all the money you needed and could do whatever you wanted... what would you do?” Instantly the driver burst into tears and said, “I’d leave the band I’m in and the guy I’m with who treats me rotten and leave town with my little child”. She explained that the boyfriend controlled her life and would not allow her to make more than $1500 a month and she felt trapped because she needed $1800 to break free and start a new life. 

He asked her another question, “If I gave you a piece of paper and you were to write down the words that describe the way you see yourself, what would you write?” Immediately she said, “ I’m WORTHLESS and I’m SMALL.” Wow... that was an honest identity answer. 

His third question, “If Jesus were to write down a word to describe you, what do you think he would write?” She pondered a moment and said, “PRIZED”. He talked to her about Jesus and who she could be in Jesus. 

The ride was almost over. He said, “I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I am going to give you a $300 tip (Why? She said $300 was what was keeping her from starting a new life) and said she would have to trust Jesus and step out in faith every day. They exchanged contact information. She regularly texts him. She got out of Dodge, started a new life and is trusting Jesus daily.

As I have told others this story some people confide in me (and sometimes our groups) they feel WORTHLESS and SMALL or similar words like FAILURE or STUPID. I am convinced the most important spiritual question is, “Who do you say Jesus is?” But the next most important question is, “Who does Jesus say you are?” 

Our ultimate identity in Christ is not based on our circumstances, the economy, whether Caesar is for us or against us, what the Supreme Court says, what others say or don’t say about us, but our identity is 100% anchored in the risen, living, triumphant, victorious person of the Lord Jesus Christ who says in Him we are most cherished sons and daughters of the most High God. Your failures do not define you, God’s forgiveness does. Your “likes” on Facebook do not define you but God’s grace does. What you do for God does not define you but what God already did for you on a bloodstained cross and empty tomb defines you. The hell you are going through does not define you but the heaven you are going to does. The things around you do not define you but the Spirit in you defines you. 

Read Ephesians chapters 1, 2 and 3 and you will read who Jesus says you are. It will be a life-changer. Wouldn’t it be great today if someone says to a friend, “Celebrate with me because I no longer see myself as WORTHLESS and SMALL!”. We all are at the mercy of our mirrors. The names we call ourselves are the names we become.

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