Friday, April 5, 2024

Bible 98

 During college, I read a book by AW Tozer that focused on Psalm 42. I’d never been around any teaching that focused on thirsting for God. My faith seemed half hearted at best. The more I read, the more I realized the Bible uses the analogy of thirsting for a drink to our deep need and desire for God in our lives. 

“The psalmist speaks of an inner thirst: ‘As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you’ (v.1). He continues, ‘My inner self thirsts for God’(v.2)”

Our culture teaches self love as the most important goal, contrary to what Jesus taught.  Today’s comments about the three warnings seem to be taught throughout the Bible: 1) Self-importance - You love the most important seats’ (v.43).

2) Love of recognition - Greetings in the market-place’ (v.43).

3) Hypocrisy - teaching a standard that we ourselves fail to live up to: ‘You load people down with burdens they can hardly carry and you will not lift one finger to help them’ 

Very thought provoking!! 

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