Friday, April 5, 2024


 Michael Sprague


I am convinced fear-making is a cottage industry in our country. It is so stinking effective. Think Fund-raising. Think manipulation. Think groupthink and control. Think conspiracy theories. Fear paralyzes, erodes faith and leaves us in bad places emotionally. Fear is usually the loudest voice in the room. Fear always grabs the megaphone.

Fear comes after all who have a heart to honor God. I was reading about Elijah. What a man of God. He served during a time that a man and woman had a great political alliance that produced fear and intimidation to promote unbiblical values. This power couple gave lip service to spirituality but promoted perversion. Their names were Ahab and Jezebel.

Queen Jezebel got the word out through every media market there was a price on Elijah’s head. The message was LOUD and clear. Fear consumed Elijah. That’s right… FEAR. He fled, he forgot who God was, he played woulda, coulda, shoulda and he wanted to die.

God graciously restored Elijah spiritually, physically, relationally and in his callings. You can read about it in 1 Kings 19. My take-aways on fear:

1. The Spirit of Jezebel is still around today. Be discerning.

2. Fear is usually the loudest voice in the room.

3. I need to tune my ear to the ONE with the still small voice… every day.

4. Exhaustion and mismanaged expectations can make cowards of the best of us.

5. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and sound mind.

6. I will not be driven by fear even if it is coming from my own sub-culture.

7. There are legitimate concerns but fear only produces unhealthy responses.

8. The good news is I get to decide who gets the megaphone to my heart. Do not let the negative and false voices have the megaphone.

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