Friday, April 26, 2024

Inside Out 9

 It’s so easy to live by what you feel. What is right for me may not be right for you, and we cannot judge each other by how we feel. The mantra for the day is Torrance for anything and everything as long as no one hurts each other. But the idols of the day will trap us into a prideful selfish life that enslaved us to our passions. Jesus has a better way. Surrendering to His love and holiness is far better than the regret and shame of living for ourselves. 

Oh, Father, intensify my desire to see You and hear Yiu in my life.  Your live must not be a meee

Priority but pre-eminent in my life, superseding all other priorities.  Prevent me from pursuing anything that could harden my heart.  Enable me to detect worthless pursuits. Empower me to see Yiur kingdom moving in and around me, that I will always search for Your righteousness in all decisions.

Jeremiah 13:10:  "This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who stubbornly follow their own heart have gone after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be like this loincloth, which is good for nothing."

Accordingly, the greatest need you and I have—the greatest need of collective humanity—is renovation of our heart. That spiritual place within us from which outlook, choices, and actions come has been formed by a world away from God. Now it must be transformed.” - Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ

To “grow in grace” means to utilize more and more grace to live by, until everything we do is assisted by grace. Then, whatever we do in word or deed will all be done in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). The greatest saints are not those who need less grace, but those who consume the most grace, who indeed are most in need of grace—those who are saturated by grace in every dimension of their being. Grace to them is like breath.

Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ 

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